Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Aidens First set of loose teeth...

Oh no!....My little boy is growing up! I can't believe he is already going to lose his baby teeth. Tell me someone,where did the time go? I've been sooo sad knowing that the day would come and the tooth fairy would start to visit us again {on a frequent basis}. No...No....I refuse to let her rush in and slowly take childhood away....

Then "BAM" over Thanksgiving weekend Aiden's much anticipated sleep over with his cousins.Punching with the Hulk gloves as boy's do,Brian knocked them out {not one,but two}! Poor...Uncle Scott and Auntie A.J all along knowing how I felt about these little teeth searched frantically for them...no where to be found? Then Uncle Sloan had to bring Aiden home with a "holy" smile and the I'm sorry story. So all in all it will never be a forgotten set of missing teeth,due to the fact that almost all family members were involved! Ha Ha...still waiting for that tooth fairy to find the teeth or Aiden. She'll make it...give her time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaaw he's growing so fast!! I'm actually looking forward to Dakota loosing her baby teeth. I don't know why. Probably just because it's something new to me/her. I'm sure by time it gets to Levi I'll be feeling the same way you do!