Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wilder Ranch "Day-2"

Wilder Ranch : Coastal hike
Wilder Ranch~has a beautiful 34 miles of hiking, biking and equestrian rails winding through coastal terraces and valleys. Several restored buildings once belonging to the Wilder family are preserved.Explore the history of early ranchers and farmers along the Central Coast. The site was originally the main rancho supplying Santa Cruz Mission. It later became a successful and innovative dairy ranch. Surrounding grounds include Victorian homes, gardens, and historic adobe.

Wider Ranch :Farm life
Our Dream~
is our main goal and focus at this point in our life.We have been here far too long in a place that was meant to be a stepping stone to many others. We've been waiting for Allan to graduate high school with his current friends,so not to just up-root him. But,at this point Shadd and I are getting really antsy and can't wait to start our next chapter. So we've attempted to look for our next home or in that case what it may resemble.So,needless to say this day was fun. We are happily in search of a farm house either in Oregon Coast area or our next visit the east coast....still depends on where a job would be {that helps a little}.
1. Farm like ~ old 2. Animals ~ chickens,dairy cow,dog & cat
3. 2-10 Acres
4. close to water ~ beach,lake streams or a river
5. hoping for a beautiful tree in front yard for the kids to climb


Robin Baker - The Blessed Hippie said...

great focus! that huge tree with crazy branches is to die for! what a great portrait spot

Christy said...

Yeh!! bummer it's soooo far away!!