Saturday, June 19, 2010


Sometimes in my elegant life
when I feel above the mundane wife
I'm quickly brought down to one knee
when I see the pile of dirty laundry.
The hamper feasts on all the clothes
left for it to decompose,
until I hear the other's plea
to wash the dirty laundry.
If there is one thing I have learned to say,
laundry never goes away.
I'll never really ever be free
as long as there is dirty laundry.

Laundry will never stop just because your wash machine broke....again!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE these pics Christy! Thank you for posting things that EVERY woman goes through. A broken washing maching...oh no. That is HORRIBLE!

Robin Baker - The Blessed Hippie said...

holy crap girl. go to a laundromat! laundry by hand?!!! you are too much. When mine broke I was carting it over to friends/family's houses and then resorted to laundromat. You get millions of loads DONE in like 1.5 hour! poor mommy....