A Tender Moment
March 6, 2009 · 1 Comment
A tender moment, so it seemed at the time,then in an instant caused quite a stir. In Balboa Park for the weekend,looking for my father whom is homeless. Couldn’t find him under the tent that is usually put up by the Naval Hospital during the winter . Not knowing were else to look,we decided to head over to the Ferry boat and enjoy the rest of the day with the little ones on Coronado Island. Alway’s nice to have a cup of coffee and watch them play as the sun goes down. Then return to the boat for an evening ride.
As we were waiting for the Ferry boat to arrive, I looked over an saw this homeless man and asked him were they go for food and shelter. He answered in reference to were my father might be St. Francis. As we were talking a young girl in school for Photography asked if she could take a photo of him. At the same time he began speaking to the baby “look at how sweet your’e little one” so I leaned the baby in for them to talk. Katie, the young photographer then asked should we get a photo of the two of them?? Of course I didn’t hesitate (knowing his situation as well as my father’s I my elf just wanted to find my dad just to give him a long awaited hug) to sit the baby in his lap for a harmless photo. The man in the photo (homeless) melted when I put Aubrie in his arms. As bystanders watched,there was a mixed emotion of uuuGghhghh she just put the baby in his hands, and aaawwwhhh so sweet.
Not thinking much of it….our ferry boat arrived and we began to board with the rest of our children. The captain of the boat came down and followed us up the stairs,pulled us aside and made it a point as all the passengers had there eye’s on us, to give us the third degree on who we let hold or get near our (baby)children. We don’t know him,can’t trust him etc……
Well let me inform you there were 6 of us surrounding him,not to mention everyone else in the line waiting to board, and if you see in the photo,he was relaxing with his shoes off!!….didn’t look like he was going to get up and run off with her?? Working previously with the Forensics department and identifying deceased victims whom were murdered and going over case after case with Dr. Skip Sperber whom was an amazing man to work with started a Dental Team for mass disasters with him after 9/11. I highly doubt if there were anyone to be suspicious of that day he was the least likely candidate…….
I look at the photos now and wonder if after all that ,would I change my course of action??? With the smile on his face, when is the last time someone gave him a hug?? My answer would probably be NO…. I’d let him hold her again. I only wish that my father Ricky Allan Tracy was the one that got to meet his grandaughter.
Sincerely,Christy Williams
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